Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Reading patterns, season shift

After three weeks of travel, some distressing, some energizing, I'm back in Mpls for a while. I shan't say "to stay," because I'm starting to become geographically unstuck, waiting for news on jobs and possibilities, and rethinking where I want to be and how I want to live (eg, I desperately need to have a garden). Things are stable at home, thanks for asking.

I'm still studiedly not thinking about my dissertation. I'm not at all ready to come back to it. Another week, maybe? I'm also studiedly not seeing my advisor, who wants to set a new schedule asap. I have an interview this week with the one job that actually requires me to have this degree, so how that goes could also energize me to want to finish.

My reading habits are changing a bit as well. I always think I can find solutions, or at least solace, in a book. Before I left for Detroit I was reading tons of career books and find-your-passion books. I think I've pretty well found my passion(s) by now and am reading Staying on Top When Your World Turns Upside Down. Also, I've been reading the YA blogs like crazy, so I'm reading everything folks have recommended. This is not new, but since I'm not attempting to write this week I can inhale teen vampire novels like popcorn. I'm also super excited that the 5th book in Garth Nix's Keys to the Kingdom series, Lady Friday, is out. I just picked it up at the library.

There is a lilac bush in my front yard. Things are looking up.



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