Friday, February 23, 2007

Ch 4 Update, 2/23

I'm still a bit downcast about my progress revising chapter 4, mostly due to my limited success in getting up early today since it was so grey and dreary. Tomorrow I'm going to go to the U and sequester myself and get a lot of writing done, since I'll have the library there. Also I have a built-in motivator since I'm going to go see the Apples in Stereo tomorrow night, and I'll feel crummy about going if I don't make some progress tomorrow (since I've only seen them three times, and Marbles twice).

What did I do today?
Worked on the intro a bit. Thought a lot about organization and where this chapter fits in the diss.

But also!--and let's not discount it--I did a lot of work on a job cover letter. And I fixed a weird problem with my computer. Also I bought a chair at Savers, drafted an entry for my professional blog (about timelines. Why am I always thinking about timelines?), and did a number of things on my actionable to-do list. So, not a totally wasted day.

Here's the skinny on Ch 4 in general:
I've finished four sections.
I need to revise five more, including the chapter intro and conclusion.
I need to polish the language and fix the notes.
It's due on Wednesday, and I want to go to a history of medicine talk at noon, so I'd like to have it done before then.

Tomorrow I will:

chapter intro
Dr. Ehrlich
Look at the stylesheet for my notes*
fix the Ch 2 and 3 notes, and 4 if I have time

*With archival materials, using Refworks and other citation managers is a huge pain.



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